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XV National Scientists

in Action Congress

Sciences and technologies have reached nowadays, a fundamental role in society. It is essential that citizens create and develop habits and skills in the field of experimental sciences and technologies, areas par excellence, where materials are handled, techniques are learned and natural processes are seen to develop.

Practical activities tend to occupy a prominent and irreplaceable place, demanding their own space in science curricula. Its use is seen as an important and necessary teaching and learning strategy.

With the aim of recognizing and privileging the exchange of experiences and ideas between students, their discussion and the fundamental importance of being able to recognize that after all we can be wrong, without this constituting a problem, in its XV edition the "National Congress of Scientists in Action".

Organized by the Centro Ciência Viva de Estremoz , the aim of the National Congress Scientists in Action is to strengthen contact, the exchange of ideas and experiences between students, teachers and scientists, encouraging the presentation of these ideas and the observation of others, within the scope of dissemination and communication of scientific and technological culture.
With a national scope, it is thus intended to promote the scientific spirit of young people, through the realization of small scientific projects in which experimental teaching is a priority. There will also be the attribution of various support to the best works by levels of education (1st, 2nd, 3rd Cycles and Secondary Education).
Scientific communication is privileged, which is a reflection of the work carried out with the teacher in the classroom. In the context of a Congress, this communication is presented and defended before colleagues, researchers, scientists and members of the jury, in panels and by level of education, similar to a true Scientific Congress.



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